We all have different traditions with this guy. My family tries to focus on the St. Nicholas aspect. Apparently there is a huge debate out there about Santa's weight. All of our politically correct friends want Santa to loose a bunch of weight to set a better example for the kiddos. That bugs me. I really don't care if he is fat or skinny, just spiritual. What is so bad about children being loved by a man that doesn't care if you have been bad or good, that celebrates our Saviors coming, and that is really a good and holy Saint. I personally find that his robust figures adds to his charm. To find more information on this just Google "fat Santa", you will be amazed.

This season we have had two photo shots with versions of this guy. While family was visiting from St. Louis we all went to see St. Nicholas. My bunch was all set and I was hoping to use that shot for the family card. At the last minute my sister-in-law put Beaner in the shot. Needless to say I can not use that shot, people will be very confused as to how many children we have. (also notice that the kiddos all looked at my sister-in-laws camera and not mine) So the shot will not work for the card but I still love it. It is probably more special because Beaner joined us and because it is clearly St. Nicholas and not the commercial Santa.

I don't know if I have said before how much I really love our neighborhood. There are many great families that live here that have carried on several traditions for many years. One of the yearly activities is the breakfast with Santa at the golf club in the neighborhood. It is just donuts, juice and coffee. We love to sit and watch others bring their children in while we eat. First we visit with the big guy then move to the food. It is always enjoyable. It is a perfect time to get a shot. The pictures are adorable but thek iddos didn't look at me again.

We got a few in front of the tree after our Santa visit. I don't know if we will use these either. I did loose my addresses this year when my computer crashed. It is taking me a long time to recollect all the addresses.

We might not send out Christmas cards but Happy New Year cards this year for that reason. Here are a few of those in front of the tree shots.
Who is this Santa guy? For the Texas T's he is a wonderful man. We try to copy his spirit of giving that is inspired by his love for Christ. We try to show that spirit all year long. We don't care if he is fat or skinny, that isn't what we are looking at anyway. For us St. Nicholas is a reminder to love everyone, to be generous and truly celebrate Christ's love and example in our lives.
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