Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why? RoseMary Teresa

We have been so blessed these past few days to have been receiving updates about a little baby named RoseMary Teresea. She was born last Friday morning to her mother, father, and nine older brothers. She was not expected to live through that day. She has a condition called Trisomy 18. There is little hope for her medically. Her family is a homeschool family from Concord New Hampshire.

This is a beautiful, faithful Catholic family. We have never met them but as soon as I read the first note to our children they felt connected to them. They understand that love in a big family and that fear of the health of a sibling. We have offered prayers and sacrifices throughout the past few days for her and her family.

RoseMary Teresa was able to come home, basically because they can do little for her in the hospital. Her heart is full of tiny holes and she is weak. She has been eating well but weight gain is an issue. Due to the grave circumstance RoseMary Teresa was able to receive Holy Communion and Confirmation yesterday at a private Mass in their home.

The updates are so heart wrenching and yet my kiddos hang on every word. They (we all) have grown to love this young lady without ever having met her or her family. The faith of her family has strengthened our faith. We all look at Cowboy and thank God for his health and rejoice in his life, while at the same time grieve for the big brothers and mom and dad. Last night our family prayers became a time of great pain for the children. They want to help, they want to fix and they want to know Why?

Dad and I continue to guide the discussions without little knowledge of the real answers. When the children go to bed we discuss the pain and love this mom and dad must have. Would we have been able to bring the baby home? How can they even function knowing that at any moment her heart could just tucker out? Why had He chosen this family for this cross/blessing?

I want to thank RoseMary Teresa, her nine older brothers, her mother and her father,and the extended family. The example of love that they are showing by just living their lives have been a source of love for our family. We have had several discussions of love, family, health, babies, souls, heaven, God's will, sacrifice, and the communion of saints. This great Communion that we all get to share in through the Eucharist and in heaven has been revealed to us. I feel so close to these people I have never met. So I can not answer the WHY but I can say thank you.

Please pray for RoseMary Teresa and her family!


  1. What a beautiful entry. I am a homeschooling mom in NH and know RoseMary's family. I am so touched at the outpouring of love and prayers from people who don't even know them.

    You have a beautiful family.

  2. Hi Shannon,
    Michelle here! I love your blog, this is my first time on it and I was touched to see all your beautiful children's faces as well as our baby Rosemary Teresa. Thank you for falling in love with her and posting her on your blog. Do you mind if I pass your blog onto my homeschool group back home in NH? Although it looks like someone from back home has already found you. How great all of us being connected through this tiny little life. We'll talk soon.
    Michelle McClane


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