Monday, October 28, 2013

Don't Forget Me

We got word that my aunt back in St. Louis was not doing well. I was warned that she was getting worse very quickly. We began to prepare to visit. It was very hard for me not being in St. Louis. I want to be with my aunt, my mom, and all my extended family especially my cousins.

My MamiBit and Uncle Al (May He Rest in Peace) at my Baptism. I am blessed to have them as my God Parents.
My desire to be in St. Louis conflicts with the reality of us having 11 children in our very active lives here in Houston. It is so hard getting so many people ready for transport. Then to complicate matters we have had a series of little things mess with our travel plans. Storms, head colds, and then power outages have made the plans change constantly. We altered our plans from a majority of us driving to flying me to St. Louis. I then worked to organize homschool stuff, activities, and rides so that I would be able to be gone for an unknown time frame (Most of that would be handled without issue by the older kids, they are so reliable). Then my aunt started recovering.  
Jumba and Twin Adorable  "Don't Forget Me."

I love you MamiBit and I hope that we get lots of time to chat during my next planned St. Louis visit. If we get a call that she is not doing well  I hope to be better prepared.  I miss my family so much and I am thankful that I can pray for all of them. As you enjoy this cute picture of Twin Adorable and Jumba please say a prayer for aunt and my family. 


  1. Praying for your godmother/auntie! Hope she continues to recover. Yes, it is a blessing to have those older ones to help out. While often am saying that I wish time would stop or slow down, the fact that Mary Catherine is continuing to grow and mature really is a blessing in disguise!

    1. Val, I love watching them mature into these super cool people. I never could have imagined that I would be so blessed in my life than to be around these people. I am a better person for having known them. Maintaining the relationship with them even when it gets a little weary (13 ish) is so worth the effort. It is easier to let the school parent or the coaches but the rewards to staying involved are so beautiful! I don't say that because they help. I LOVE watching them interact.
      Thank you also for prayers. So far my aunt is doing remarkably well.


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