Sunday, March 25, 2012

Babies are good, Mom is tired Week 24

We had another ultrasound this week.  The great news is that the babies are the same size as each other.  No one is growing bigger than the other right now, but both are still growing.  We saw the specialist twice and the reports both times is very good.  Bear asked that we "check again" and as it turns out we are still pregnant with two GIRLS!

The Baby on the left side decided to keep the title of Baby A.  She is nestled very low and looks planted. 
Baby B is on the right side and seams to be doing great, just like her sister.  Considering I am writing this at the end of Week 24 I am feeling better and better about the twins.  They made it another week.  To me that always means another week closer to them being healthy at delivery. 

Everything on me is great so far.  My blood pressure is just fine.  I have lots of feet swelling but the doctor assured my hubby that it was OK because the twins just mean I have that much more fluid in my body that falls to me feet with normal use during the day.  Thank you for all your prayers and please continue.


  1. so happy to hear of the update! I will keep praying for healthy babies and peace of mind for the mama

  2. Glad to hear you and the little blessings are well sending prayers and you look lovely and glowing :)


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