Saturday, April 11, 2015

Could I Be More Proud?

NO I COULD NOT!  The Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship is a scholarship offered to college students that are living the pro-life message within their college years and sharing the movement.  As you all know my college age kiddos have helped get a pro-life group started on their community college campus.  Bear was instrumental is seeing this get done.  When he expressed interested in applying for this scholarship I was very proud that he was just realizing that he is called to work to protect the lives of the helpless unborn.  Just like our faith is not one for his, but his own faith I see the pro-life movement as no longer being something that dad and I try to instruct Bear in but one that he has taken on as his own.
I don't know what all this means as far as a scholarship goes at all.  I am just so proud that he was named as the recipient for Lone Star.  More information on this can be found at the Texas Right To Life Website.
Bear will go places in this world.  I know that.  This is just a small example of how he will take on the world and share his understanding with others.

I want to point out that our dear friend Tabby-Kat also was awarded this fellowship for her college at Angelo State University.  I am her Confirmation sponsor after all.  I just could not be more proud of these two.  The world is a better place with this next generation.

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