Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sugar is Sweet and 16

16 years ago our lives were blessed with the birth of a precious young lady. She is go great at calming everyone with her winning smile and adorable giggle. We are so proud of you Sugar-wuger-bugger-bear!

Sugar and Best Bud Kat
Kat treated Sugar to a facial and then the nails.  I understand that they had a blast.  I can't say it made either girl more beautiful, as that would have been very difficult.  They are gorgeous already!!

 We headed out for dinner on Saturday Night.
My Irish Twins
Bear & Sugar
Both Bear and Sugar will be 16 for the month of September.  At the end of the month Bear will finally be 17.  This really freaked him out until he was about 5.  Now it annoys him that we refer to them as our first set of twins.
 On to ice cream.
 Sorry baby - No ice cream for you!
This is where I got into a conversation with a man that was amazed that all of us got together all the time.  He was one of 10 and had not been around his entire family in over 27 years.  That broke my heart.  As we left I told him in my best "mom voice" to spend his holiday calling his siblings.  I told him that his mom would want him to.  Even though he was about 10 years older than me he looked at me with a mama's boy grin and promised to try.
 It is always so embarrassing when mom makes us get a group shot.  It has become a birthday thing, so they had to it.
Happy b-day Sugar we love you bunches and bunches.

(Mom took another one!  I think someday they will be happy we have these shots.)

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