Monday, December 7, 2009

Visit with Saint Nicholas

Our Sunday began as we waited for everyone to wake up. We knew that we have been visited by St. Nicholas by the gift we saw on the mantel and the bulging stockings. No one could peak until everyone was awake. I wonder if Pooker and Goober realize that they would have never given mom and dad as much time to wake up as the younger ones gave them.

After everyone finally woke up we enjoyed our stocking gifts from St. Nicholas. The opportunity was presented to go and thank him personally. We decided to head to Old Town Spring after lunch in hopes to see St. Nicholas again.

The fun was to be found at the German Gift Store in Old Town Spring. We were able to visit with an authentic German speaking Saint Nicholas. The attire was a little different from what we saw at the Dutch Store a few years back. Their St. Nick made his appearance on Saturday but we could not make it. Jumba was overjoyed again to see Santa/Saint Nicholas. I loved that my children didn't have a list of what they wanted from Santa instead they all told St. Nicholas Thank you for all the treats he had left for them the night before. This Saint Nicholas asked if they would be sharing their treats and since they already had been they thought could not believe how closely he was watching them. This Saint Nicholas was so happy about our big family. He said that he loved big families and that he sees his friend Jesus in big families. (So much more appropriate than the negative talk from the day before.) Princess felt this one had to be the real one and that the one the day before but just a very tired helper. Pickle pointed out that at least this one remembered he was a saint.
We were blessed to run into a few friends while there as well.

Saint Nicholas made us so happy when he agreed to continue to pose for the entire group. He was even more joyful when he learned that the 13 children came from just 2 families. This is a great picture that includes Faith, Hope, Charity and Love. They just happen to be 4 of my favorite people.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a great celebration of St. Nicholas' day!


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