Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fire in Neighbors Home

We awoke to endless numbers of fire trucks coming down the street.  It was a little after midnight and the parked at the end of the street.  Many of the neighbors all piled out of our houses in our PJ's.  We were all praying for the family whose whom was burning and thankful it wasn't our home.  We were outside for about 3 hours and honestly enjoyed the unexpected time to talk with neighbors.  We are surrounded by good people. 

The next morning we heard more trucks.  The amazing and diligent firemen had to return because of a "flare up".  This time it only took an hour to get it under control.
 The neighbors had quit a bit of damage but everyone was safe.
 After the fire was out the kids were given hats.  We thanked the firefighters for keeping us safe.

 Adorable is showing us how big the fire house was! 
Beautiful - new neighbor - Adorable

 We had to send dad a picture because he was out of town on business.  The twins did not want to look at camera.  Silly girls.
Jumba - Adorable - Beautiful - Bagel

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