Sunday, March 15, 2020

Mass Because WE WANTED To

Today Mass was very hard. I was afraid to go because I had a cough. I had been sick and was now feeling tons better but I still suffer from a post nasal drip leaving me with an awful habitual cough. It means nothing yet had me not wanting to offend anyone. My kids made me go, telling me that I wasn't allowed at the shower if I missed Mass. The Arch Bishop said I didn't have to go but the kids insisted. (I am proud of them!)

I wanted to take pictures but it wasn't appropriate. We went to 9 am Mass and sat right in the main section. There were not many people present at all.  My crowd took up two whole rows. The Tobias Family, with all my kiddos (minus Bear) and J and I were all there to worship together. My heart was full and my eyes teared. I coughed but few noticed. I was so happy to receive communion. We went to the priest because he was the only one allowing us to receive on our tongues.

I thought to myself that if I needed to receive on my hand or any other changes I would be happy to do them. At least we could go to Mass. We didn't "HAVE" to go but we "GOT" to go. We were not required to go today but we wanted to.  Thank you God for being our comfort in this odd time.

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