Thursday, March 12, 2020

Covid-19 and Blog catch up! I wonder . . .

The virus is making the news interesting. Every day something changes. Travel restrictions, schools closing and fear of getting ill is taking over many of our thoughts. 

I am sitting next at desk in my bedroom while J sits at his desks. He is canceling hotel room after hotel room.  He has traveled constantly with this job since he started and now all trade shows and meetings are canceling and the internet is soon to be overwhelmed.  We will homeschool like normal, if we have internet.

We will try to stay active by playing outside and working out in our gym in the garage (if the gym does not close).
Mom is the one that likes to leave the house. UGH.  So to combat that desire to bolt I am going to focus on the blog and pictures.
We thought this was a little funny now that schools around the country are announcing that they re closing for two weeks.

Some are asking students to take home their books, enjoy spring break and then be ready to do their work from home. The world is getting weird.

"Major League Baseball expected to suspend spring training"

Don't 't worry people. They are just closing a few schools here and there. 
Life will not change at all . . .WAIT, WHAT, BASEBALL? Now I am freaking out just a little!

Not sure how to take the news for the Archbishop. He said that Catholics were lifted from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass. 

Many exciting things are happening around here, hang on and find out what . . . but not having to go to Mass is something that I don't think I will wrap my head around. At least we can still go if we want to. This is so weird.

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