Saturday, March 21, 2020

What To Do During A Lockdown

We had dinner together every night and on the third night our table collapsed. We had been using an outdoor picnic table in our kitchen. We are just renting and I didn't want to spend the money on a table for a temporary space. The kids asked if we could go get a table. J and I were kind of shocked because everything was closed. Furniture is not essential according to the lock down measures. We talked about getting another plastic type of temporary table. Possible had enough. She has always wanted a nice table in the kitchen, renting or not. She looked upside plans on the internet, borrowed some tools and went shopping for lumber. She had everything pre-cut. My children then assembled a new farm house style table. 

This is just crazy to me. I thought we might be lazy during the lock down, but my kids have other plans. I am so stinking proud of them. Today there were the boys with Princess under Possibles leadership. Amazing!

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