Saturday, March 14, 2020

Shower Prep is Full of Surprises.

 The dogs are ready. Thank you Adorable and Beautiful for always filling my camera roll with your pup pictures.
I walked into the room to see this. My heart sore. Twin Beautiful is the youngest, she has never had this bonding time with an unborn baby. I love all the teaching and learning that is happening with sisters in this picture.
J and I then headed to the store with or shopping list.  We had plans for big chicken wing dinner but needed supplies for the party the next day. While we were at the store we got a huge surprise. The T family arrived to attend the shower, and actually help like they always do. Larry even helped us prepare dinner.

We are beyond blessed to have the T family as our friends. They go out of their way to constantly love on us. They are part of the family and are always there for the big events. They decided to visit at the very last minute because the kids schools had closed so their trip to Dallas turned into a trip all the way to St. Louis.

So many schools are closing, I can't even think about all those things. We heard from Mary and SLU has closed for a few weeks so we would go get her when she returned. The kids would all be doing online schooling for their college classes. This was all for two weeks. But we idon'thave time tot talk about his because we are preparing for a party and thrilled that Larry, Kat and Troy used the school closings as an opportunity to visit. For now we feast and then prepare for the shower.

I added a ton of pictures because they all show the people I love. I missed Bear. The girls were all here. Their boy friends were there to help, or to eat ( not sure which). We did a huge family rosary at the end of the day to include The T family and the extra friends. You can't get better than that! We prayed for the "storm" that we all could feel was coming but no one could identitfy. We prayed for our health and we prayed for all those that would be effected by the Wuhan Virus. We prayed for those whose schools, especially the colleges that had closed or kicked the students out for the next few weeks. We prayed for those that were not with us, namely Bear and Mary. We prayed for that Grand Baby that got us all together today! 

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