Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St. Patrick's Day

So JavaJava and Pooker made it back to their new home in Abilene TX and I have stocked up on foods, now what to do we do? We celebrated St. Patricks day as best we could . . .

 . . . and Happy 21st Birthday to Dolo.

Not even sure if this was the best thing to do or not. We wanted to celebrate with Dolo and her own sisters let her leave for a short time. The kids were going to take her out to lunch but with all the newer restrictions and the news of places being shut down, they decided to come to our house. They found out while here that they needed to get to Lindenwood to empty dorms. Crazy times. While the kids were giggling and singing, J and I were watching the news. We decided that this was our last outside the home activity or visitors for a little while.  It was time for us to try to understand and embrace the idea of a quarantine due to an international pandemic. So much changed in so short a time.

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