Wednesday, March 18, 2020

You no longer GET TO GO TO MASS!

The president has limited travel, public places are closing including the pools where some of the kiddos work, and we as a family have decided to quarantine. We did huge shopping on Monday that should last us for at least a week. I could not find toilet paper but other than that we got what we wanted. The news is all about Social distancing and how that can help limit a quick spread of the virus. 

Now what?!? The news is intimidating but we got this. . . or so I thought. While I was shopping on Monday the Archdiocese of St. Louis issued this statement. Still processing what this means . . .

“Do we HAVE to go to Mass today?” A child would ask on a any given Sunday in a whiney sleepy voice. J
 and I would respond, “You don’t have to go to Mass, YOU GET TO GO TO MASS!” Never, in all my life, could I imagine not being able to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Even during the hurricanes in Houston, if you could get to the church safely the priest welcomed you to Mass. I have never lived in an area where the Catholic Church isn’t strong and I have always had several locations and times for Mass to choose from. I will admit that, ‘Not getting to go to Mass’ and not even having an option to attend is very unnerving to this cradle Catholic. I know I am not the only one. This is so hard to comprehend. Mass is always an option, or so I thought.

I am sure that God can make good on things that overwhelm the human heart. I didn't think that Mass on Sunday would be my last one for awhile. God help us!

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