Saturday, March 28, 2020

Learning About Mixed Drinks

Beautiful table and benches to use enable us to move on to new activities. We decided that as long as no one was ill and we had another kiddo turning 21 within days, we would take the opportunity of a lock down to sample different mixed drinks. I was pregnant when I turned 21 and never really drank at all. I tolerate a beer every now and again but I don't enjoy it. I wanted to learn about he mixed drinks. I hate not knowing what something is when I am looking at a drink menu in a restaurant. It isn't like the 16 year old waitress can tell me which one is fruity and which one is sour. We are now learning. 

Sugar even made a chart to help us keep track of what we liked and what we didn't like. The younger ones are trying them without alcohol.

I am learning a lot. We are also learning that the extra things that are in recipes are what really make the drinks. having a lemon makes it taste better, etc. How are you spending your Covid Lockdown time?

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