Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Boot Time

These kiddos take their boots seriously. I have to laugh. I really don't get the boot thing. I am from the mid-west, we didn't desire to own "real cowboy/cowgirl" boots.
This year we decided to take the entire group over to get boots. The older kiddos have all bought their own. Sugar had to buy hers. Boot for the grown foot are very expensive. J got his a few days before and loved them so much that he said we needed to take everyone to get their own boots. We wanted to have them for the rodeo.
This was not an easy thing to do. Getting each child to pick out what they wanted. Each one looking for the perfect boot. They all had to look for the set that matched their personality.
Jumba found his pair and was thrilled. He turned to his boot helper Goobers and smiled with his great big grin saying, "Thanks for helping me find my boots!" Her heart melted as she grabbed him into her arms and kissed on him.
Let me be honest, the bill was high. I don't yet own a pair. Every one loves them and swears that they are the most comfortable shoes they have ever worn.
Maybe someday. I couldn't even believe how happy this made the group. It was like Christmas surprises all day.

The boots that I like best are the ones that are huge planters. I had to laugh when we saw them at Lowes. So Texas!

My girls took this shot the day after they all got their boots. The boots each have a wild personality but are sturdy. Each pair is a little different and each pair is beautiful.

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