Monday, March 21, 2011

Raccoon Issues

Lack of sleep was driving my kiddos insane. They kept telling us that there was a creature in the attic. Life is busy and we kept putting off dealing with it. After a week or so the kiddos knew that there was someone else moving into out home.

They decided that they had watched enough of Billy the Exterminator to understand the nature of the problem. We probably had a pregnant raccoon nesting in our roof. The sooner we got her out the better off we would be.
Billy requires all humane methods so we just made tons of noise until the little (really big momma) raccoon left the attic. While they kept eyes on her dad and Bear patched up the hole in the roof that this momma had dug. To further prevent her desire to get back in and new holes to appear the kids put ammonia rags in various places in the attic.
She was out, the hole sealed but then we couldn't get her to run away.
More noise, a lot more noise, then a hose. Billy warns to not agitate the creature but I warn you not to agitate the Texas T's.

We all rejoiced when momma raccoon fled the block to another location.

We were all thrilled when we did have a great nights sleep that night.

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