Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Parenting from the Pastor

A friend showed me something in a bulletin from a local parish.  I cried when I first read "A Message from the Pastor."  Fr. Ian Bordenave, O.P. of Holy Rosary Church in Houston TX addressed a very tender subject for me.  Having a large family I have often been asked how to keep kids quiet in church.  I have also developed some very strong feelings about where children belong during Mass.  I was thrilled to read his post.  Click here and scroll down to the message and see if you like what he has to say.


  1. Oh, Shannon! I loved his message!!!

    Having now added #3 to the mix, I find myself struggling a bit more with behavior in Church. If only b/c we are no longer able to "tag team" it, if you will! :)

    I read an article in The Leaven (our archdiocese newspaper) about a large Catholic family and their strategies for behavior during Mass. I made a mental note on a couple of the suggestions and have added them to our own repertoire!

    My feelings are:

    Children do belong in Mass. They do make noise. They do need to be "controlled". They do need to be loved. They do need to be taught "eyes on the Cross". They do need to be removed if becoming unruly. They do need to return quickly! After a certain age, they do need to "hold it". Etc., etc., etc.!

    Fortunately, I have had nothing but kind words said to me (usually at the end of Mass when I am apologizing for Benjamin's behavior! ha!) about the beautiful children I have and the memories they invoke for them of their own parenting days!

    Thanks for sharing this!!!


  2. I pray all priests can/will embrace what Fr. Ian has so eloquently penned: children belong at Mass. God bless you, Fr. Ian!

    Valerie, your comments are beautiful!

    Thank you for putting this on your blog, Shannon!

    xoxo, Nicole

  3. Yes, yes, yes! Now only to get other priests to agree. We have always taken our kids to mass even when we were encouraged to take them to the nursery so I "could get something out of mass". And though there were times I felt like I used up more grace than I received, I still can see the benefits now. Go Fr. Ian!!

  4. Hi there. Just found your blog today. I have no children (not part of God's plan apparently) but felt the need to commend you and all parents who have the persistence to bring their children to Mass. I often watch in amazement at the patience of parents who continue to do so when, quite likely, they're so focused on their children's behavior that they need to struggle to derive anything meaningful from Mass themselves. You inspire me.

  5. Thank you Sue for your understanding. Often we worry that we bother everyone else. I have learned so much from that time with my children. I figure that is what God is teaching me at that moment. I hate that too often we become too focused on "What I am getting out of it!" I try to remind myself that it isn't about me. I am there to adore God and if He blesses me with more then that is wonderful. Now I look back over the years and at my grown children who love the Mass and their faith. I couldn't have asked for a better gift.

  6. Link has been updated:


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