Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bagel is a Mutton Buster

I find this hard to explain to my friends and family up North. We were very proud of our little Bagel when she agreed to ride a sheep for as long as she could hold on. This has always been one of our favorite Rodeo activities to watch and this year Bagel could try it out.

Our friends tried as well. Here our friend C is winning his round and earning a belt buckle. We were not there to see it but it was quit fun to hear about.
A big surprise that day was when a fellow homeschooler was in the same small group at the very same time as Bagel. This was not at all planned. MK did a great job and this is her mom's picture. I wasn't smart enough to get a picture of Bagel in front of the sign.

A huge part of this event is the clowns. They are used to move the sheep around and scoop up the little Cowboys and Cowgirls after they have been thrown (fall off) from the sheep.
It is a fun thing to do to grab a shot with these crazy clowns.
Jumba wanted to be out there playing with the sheep. We were glad to have the help of the clowns to hold him back.

Bagel looks nervous in this picture.

I don't think she was as nervous as I was.

I was thinking medical insurance, previous injuries and all kinds of crazy stuff. Why did we sign her up?

The kids are very well protected in their vests and helmets.

Look at those sheep just pushing to be free. What was I thinking, I am going to set my child on this animal and just enjoy the outcome . . .? I am too much of a city girl to let this sit too well with me.
Then it is so much fun to watch and Bagel was willing.
We both got more and more nervous and the wait continued.
MK was not nervous at all. She was posing for pictures and everything without hesitation.
As the wait continued Bagel gained confidence (Me, not so much).

Mutton Bustin is our favorite Rodeo event, so as her turn began we were filled with pride. We also wanted to share the event with Fr. Tom.

Jumba isn't sure but very proud of his sister.

She was going and we were more excited than Bagel was.

We could hardly contain our excitement.

The announcer teased the big cheering section while our friends grabbed this shot of us cheering Bagel on.

This is Goobers tape of Bagel on a sheep.

Bagel we are so very proud of you! Way to go.

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