Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sprint Sizzler Day One

The time for our first summer swim invitational is upon us.  It just so happens to be put on by our previous team so we looked forward to spending time with old friends.  Goobers is also one of their coaches so we wanted the family vs family play out.  
Pickle with Cudas and Otters in "The Camp"

I was walking toward the pool with the twins and then I noticed that the boys were coming at me from the pool.  Coach Bear just took one of the girls by hand and kept walking while Pickle picked the other one up.  I love how close to the twins the boys are.
Pickle had blast with his Cuda friends and his Otter friends.  They all got along great and had fun.
J has the kids set up so well.  He calls our area "The Camp" and we have chairs galore and even a hammock.
Princess is lines up and ready to swim.
Bear had to come say good bye before leaving for a week long pro-life training event for his scholarship.
I also proud of that kid and how he acts with his siblings (well most of the time.)
Possible and Sugar decided that we would just kidnap this Cuda friend of Pickles.
This was a rough day for coach Alex.

Oh there are the wins, hanging with Daddy.
Beautiful - Goobers - Adorable
Goobers teaching the girls how to give a thumbs up.  So funny!

I think Adorable is getting tired of watching the swimmers.
Bagel is such an intense swimmer.  She does herself in sometimes with the over thinking.

Beautiful - Adorable


Jumba and Princess decided to go fill in for Coach Bear because he had to leave.
Sitting on the other side of the pool was Coach Goobers with Beautiful.
Cleaning up the camp is never easy, no one likes to do it.  We came back to this surprise after watching the swimmers.  Bagel did it all by herself to say thank you.
I am thrilled that the invitational is inside.  It was hot out there.  Yep that says 111.  So we will go home get some sleep and then prepare for day two.

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