Saturday, June 20, 2015

Divisionals 2015

Divisionals always starts with car decorating.
 We had to drop by and add a little Otter blue to Coach Goober even though she is with the Cudas.  We are in different divisions so we were not at the same pool.   
This has been a great season for the little Dani's (As our original coach called all the T family swimmers.)  These kids gave it their all and wanted to do their best in this last team meet.

The Otter coaches were all prepared with their appropriate mohawks.
Beautiful in purple and Adorable in pink

This is a great view of coach Bear's mohawk.

The fans are often left behind in the "camp" to nap.
I admit that Kona Ice was one of our favorite parts of divisional this year.

J is his children's biggest fan.  He never wants to miss any swims.

This kid really gave divisional her all.  Possible did so well.

All that swimming wears the fans out.

We stuck around until every last swim was counted.  The Otters came in 3rd place.  

I am so proud of the T family swimmers.  This was our first year as Otters and they did a wonderful job.
Possible walked away with three medals from divisional and Jumba earned two.

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