Friday, June 19, 2015

Otter Coaches Dinner

This was new tradition for the T family but an old one for the Otters.  The Coaches get together and spend an afternoon preparing food for all their swimmers.  They then serve the kids as everyone gets together for a night of family fun and swimming.  

Another tradition is that the guy coaches trim their hair into a mohawk for Divisionals. Bear was willing to participate at the dismay of his sisters.

Professional barbers gave the boys the cut while the entire team looked on.

The funny thing was that one of the dad's came up to Bear and said, "Kid how do you make a mohawk look Conservative?"  Bear responded that it was just his talent.

I just love catching these twin moments.  They didn't know anyone was watching.  They were off playing and just grabbed each others hands and continued to run back and forth.
Adorable -Beautiful
Another Otter tradition is the silly string fight.  Messy but tons of fun.

It was all fun until it was time to clean up, that stuff is hard to get up off of the hot sticky ground.

It really is nice to enjoy all of these summer fun activities with our new swim team.

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