Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Big Family Dinner - Just Because

Pooker and Goobers and Bear all work all the time, and I was missing all of them.  While shopping for Sugar on Tuesday after her allergy scare I found a great deal on two roasts.  I invited everyone over and J and I did everything to prepare for a big family dinner.  There wasn't any occasion to celebrate other than family.  

Years ago Bear planted an almost dead peach tree in the back yard.  We had to take peaches off of it the other day because they were falling into the lawnmower path.  We peeled the homegrown peaches and some apples.  The twins helped me to make some Apple Crisps and we tried Peach Crisps.  We used a simple variation of the old Pampered Chef's Quick Apple Crisp Recipe.  The twins clapped at themselves as they helped because it would make "Daddy so hoppy, and Pooker, and Goobers, and Bear, etc."  These two love their big siblings so much and were super psyched that they were coming to dinner.

I know I am using a lot of these pictures but these two were just so proud of their actions that I needed to share.
Twin Beautiful on Left and Twin Adorable on Right

Princess helped with the salad while some of us waited for everyone else to arrive.  We enjoyed chips and salsa (this is important for the next posts!).

Mom and Sugar are not there for this dinner (again see the next post) but possible did grab a few shots for me so I could see all my kiddos enjoying the time I had worked so hard to prepare for.
I love this family!  You all are the best.   .   .   . and the twin's crisps were delicious!! They made everyone "HOPPY!!!!!"

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