Sunday, April 26, 2020

Last Sunday On Complete Lockdown In St. Charles

So St. Louis had said they are waiting until May 15th but St. Chalres said they are lifting some restrictions on May 4. Not sure how this will all play out but I did want to make the most of our last totally restricted Sunday without dates and kiddos running off to meat others outside the house.
Anticipated Mass 4-25
Anticipated Mass 4-25
Sunday 4-26
We started with Mass.

We gathered personal care items and food to donate local food pantry through ICD.

We enjoyed a wonderful and delicious breakfast made by dad.

We drank mimosas,  bloody marys and fruit juiced depending on our age.

We enjoyed spending time together over breakfast.

We talked to everyone on the phone.

We got a blessing from each priest in the drive through at Icd,

had our salt blessed and exorcised,

and received holy water from the church,

and handed in our donations.

This was a full Sunday. It will soon be a thing of the past so we wanted to enjoy our Covid designed Sunday!
Happy Sunday, I hope it is filled with family and new traditions. 

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