Friday, April 17, 2020

Thanks for the Nails

I couldn't help but send a set of french manicure to my baby. I wish we could all sit around like we did last year and do our nails together. I miss this girl so much. Maybe I can pamper from a distant. I love you Pooker. Thanks for the Facebook shout out!

My mom sells nails! She is a Color Street lady and so enjoys sharing her love for the product with others. I don’t get my nails done often and when I do I like the salon, but the Color Street options are a great alternative to those who need a nail fix during this stay at home time! 
I got the French Manicure set sent to me for Easter and my husband took the time to help me apply them. They’ve made this anxious pregnant momma feel a little less locked down for the past week! They’re fun and easy to do and there’s so many options! Here’s her link if you’re interested in trying some. Thanks for the Easter treat, mom/grandma!

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