Sunday, April 19, 2020

Bear's Divine Mercy Sunday

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, of OKC decided to spend the day with Christ and King. Bear had a full day with Archbishop. The CK Morning Show is one that Bear has been working on with Stephen and Fr. Rick for weeks and the Archbishop joined them for Divine Mercy Sunday.  Check out the show by clicking here. 

The bishop also joined them for the morning Mass for the parish. Which happened to be the one that we streamed.  
I love seeing Bear!

Twin Beautiful ~ Twin Adorable
There two are ready to take on the world.

When a bishop visits it is customary to have a picture taken with the alter servers and such. Cracked me up seeing this. I suspect Bear took the picture. This is a very social distancing way to take the picture.
We spoke with Bear after Mass. He is doing a great job at Christ the king. 

We learned that Bear might NOT be joining us at the local seminary in St. Louis for another year. That breaks my heart. He loves what he is doing.  and I will need to trust. Jesus I trust in You, I guess that is the theme of the day!

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