Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday - Covid Style

How should one prepare for what is normally a very long Mass but this year will be only online. We watched with a coffee in hand. Holy Week is now at hand. 

I grabbed some branches from our palm plant to decorate the door.

Grabbed some pictures from church videos at our parish of Immaculate Conception of Dardenne.
The priest blessed the palms. Goobers found out that they would be passing out them out on Sunday so she packed her car falloff siblings and drove up to ICD. They were handed several palms. They took a handful to each of their grandma's so that everyone had some.

Taken from ICD Parish Public Facebook Page

Taken from ICD Parish Public Facebook Page

I used ours to update our wreath with some blessed palms. And then we saw some pictures ofFr. Rick, Bear and Stephen passing out palms in OKC.

Sometimes I really wish we were closer to Bear. It is good seeing him serve the Lord. 
May your Holy Week be blessed and united you to the Cross.

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