Tuesday, April 7, 2020

HOLY WEEK HURTS - We love you Bennie!

Little things kept going wrong starting the Friday before and just kept getting worse.  Good things happened also, but only after our hearts broke.

The kids decided to make the most of this very difficult day. Possible, Goobers and the Twins went on a walk. It was a very long walk and it was warm outside. (Now these are nothing new to our dogs. They would run and run and run even if when we lived in TOO hot Houston. The dogs should be able to handle this walk and have in the past.) Bennie collapsed on the walk. She drank the water that the kids gave her. They said she would still not get up. Dad took the car and brought her home. 

We thought she was slightly overheated. She moved around a lot at first. Drank some and would lay next to us. She was very affectionate and we all spent some time trying to make her feel better. Burke seamed unaffected by the walk. She was back to her playful self by dinner time. J and the kids cooled Bennie down and kept giving her fluids. As the day turned to evening we realized that her rebound was short lived. We took her to the animal hospital.

We were surprised when they came to get her she would not move at all. She didn't even lift her head when we opened the back hatch.  Usually she would have bolted. The situation was so weird because of the lock down restrictions. They took her into the clinic and we were not able to go in with her.

Then we got that call while waiting and pacing outside with all the other pet owners banished to the parking lot. She was suffering from heat exhaustion. (She should not be considering she is only four years old and a wild active Husky. The doctor suspects that she must have had an underlined heart issue, sometimes common in huskies.) We were told that Bennie's organs were slowly shutting down. Even with lots of care and huge costs the doctor did not feel that she would survive. We didn't want her to suffer through the night so we made a very difficult decision.

The clinic had to work things out so we could enter the building. All the other animal owners watched us as Princess, Jumba, J and I tearfully walked inside to say goodbye to our precious baby. We got to sit with Bennie and thank her for being such a loving member of our family. We thanked her for years of kindness and protection. We loved on her trying to convey the love the entire family had for her. This precious puppy was so good to us, even to the twins. She let them dress her and play with her for hours on end.

Saying Goodbye to our precious Bennie is one of the hardest things we as pet owners would ever have to do.

We posted this on facebook:
Oh my goodness! The day ended up being a very difficult one. Today we had to put down one of our dogs! Wow. Death hurts, even when it is just a pet. Bennie, the lighter colored Husky, collapsed while on a walk and didn’t recover when we got her cooled down. It is a shock as she was only 4 years old and it hurts. God blessed us with a beautiful companion and we are beyond heart broken to have said goodbye. Thank you Bennie for taking such good care of us and loving us!

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