Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Masks and Memes of the Time

The risk of the the disease is smaller that the issue that it is causing the country and the world. There are so many conspiracy stories floating around and I am beginning to feel that they are all real. The world is spinning and the truth is twisted. I can't even attend Holy Mass. So weird. 

We know so many people in the oil industry. This was an issue before the virus and now with the lockdown there is no demand. 
I have no way of knowing if there is any truth to this tweet but things like this are keeping me going!

I do find comfort in hearing from the president. I don't think that I trust his advisors. I am not sure I agree with the lock down idea at this point. 
The CDC says not to wear masks but then localities are requiring them.

All I know is that I want things to be like they were before all this covid stuff. 

My mom got me a cute mask, thanks mom.

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