Thursday, April 2, 2020

Happy 21st Possible

Happy Birthday Possible!  I hope the day was good. Not easy to plan or celebrate on lockdown. We told her that we would put beers in each room of the house and she could crawl from room to room pretending to have a "BUB CRAWL" but her siblings came up with better ideas. 

Decorations were up by the siblings and dad started cooking Possible's big huge breakfast. 

Possible's sisters wanted to make sure today was a good day for Possible, even though we were in lock down. They planned a big picnic but the parks were closed so they sat in the parking lot of one of the parks and enjoyed their lunch.

 Time was made to visit the store, just to make sure the ID would work. It did!

Boyfriend (un-named on blog so far . . . ) got permission from us and his parents to visit as long as he kept social distancing in place (meaning 6 feet away!).

The family then sung happy birthday to Possible with a cake.

Then the big party down stairs took place. The older siblings turned part of the basement into a bar area and set up a huge screen with a ZOOM call with all Possible's friends. What a cool day for Possible! Even on lockdown she knows she is very loved.

 This girl had a great day!
Cheers to Possible, happy birthday!

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