Saturday, February 8, 2020

The R Family Baby Shower

Baby R is on the way! We can't wait to meet this special little person. JavaJava's family held a baby shower. They invited many of their friends from Houston. This was a big family and friend event to welcome this precious little one.

JavaJava's mom and sister

Pooker and JavaJava want the baby to be continuously covered in the love from the family and from friends. To represent this they asked that all the shower to "paint" on some blank white undershirts.  

Everyone takes this job very seriously.

The Westhoff made the trip to the Dallas area to be at the shower. 

Christopher and Mr W.
Sad to have missed this event but happy to have been sent some pictures. (Thank you Mrs. W!)

Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this special gift of life that you are given to Pooker and JavaJava and to all of us, through them. We are so thankful. We ask that you bless this child and allow the rest of Pooker's pregnancy to go smoothly.

God Bless Baby R!

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