Thursday, February 13, 2020


Many months back J asked if I wanted to go with him to New Orleans in February. I sad yes, because who doesn't love New Orleans?!? As the trip got closer and closer I wasn't sure we could make it work. I had already spend the last six weeks fighting colds, flus, fevers, sore throats, kidney stone pain, and severe nasal drip. I felt ok and had for a few days, and the kids were excited to be left home alone for a few days so off we went. We forgot that it was Mardi Gras time. Happy to see some floats again but not happy to deal with the traffic. 

Mardi Gras in NOLO is such a unique experience. For us it is about watching families enjoy the parades. Seeing the color of the parades. Everything in moderation and we will have a blast.

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