Sunday, November 10, 2019

Meal At Pooker and JaveJava's Apartment

JavaJava and Pooker hosted a huge Thanksgiving style dinner for all of us on Sunday evening. 
One step that the kids loved was their trip to HEB.
Beautiful - Adorable
It was fun to see our first born being so domestic. She is a beautiful wife and pregnant mommy. It was such an honor to be invited to her house for this meal.


Jumba and JavaJava did a wonderful job on the Turkey.

The food was all wonderful!

                                                                                                           (Adorable - Beautiful) 

We are thankful for each other and this wonderful food. 

(Beautiful - Adorable)

After dinner we had to move on to a major UNO game. The big kids had spent the weekend teaching the kiddos how to play UNO and now it would be a major family game.

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