Thursday, June 27, 2019

Apple Visit

I giggle when I see this picture because it reminds me of the visit to the Apple Store. The conversation was hysterical because J had left his phone in his pocket during the washing machine.  AG+  Apple Genius
J   "I need to check my phone to see if it will still work."
AG        "What happened to it sir?"
J   "It got wet?"
AG        "Did it fall into water, completely submerged or just splash with a quick pick up?"
J   "Fell in?"
AG        "Toilet, sink, pool, washing machine?"
J   "Washing Machine?
AG        "Full cycle, sir?"
J    "Uhhhh yes?"
AG        "OK Nothing we can do but order a new phone!"
J    "But isn't it water proof!"
AG        "Not the full cycle, sir!"

J help is head high knowing he was not the only one to have done the same thing. I giggled at the conversation, though.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Go Jumba - Trying Pitching

We are all off to watch the game.
The series of him pitching were actually taken on 6-29 by another mom.

Pitching makes mom nervous.  Go Jumba!

No matter how he plays, we are all very proud of this young man.  He has pushed himself to try something new.  He is giving it his all.  He is doing pretty well! We are all impressed.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Sugar Calls Home From North Dakota

Sugar is out of town.  She went with some friends to North Dakota.  She is babysitting their kiddos while they are in missionary training.  She is having a blast but we all miss her so very much!  

Thanks for the fun calls Sugar.  We love you and miss you!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

St. Louis Chesterton Society & Homeschooling Conference

The Chesterton Society hosted a homeschool conference that was one day long.  I was asked to come and be available as an experienced homeschooler to answer questions. 

This was a fun day.  I learned a lot.  I will add reading more Chesterton to my do to list.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


My babies.  They are not really babies any more. They are so cute!!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Family Meal

Dad is back in town and we are all happy to have him here.  He decided to make a big meal after our big work outs.  I settled in with a little yummy drink. 

As always the food was yummy.  We may have or may not have sung happy birthday to Bagel.  Thanks for the great meal!


So I have earned a little bit of extra spending money with my new Color Street job.  Possible also get us a great deal on a year membership because she works at the Rec Plex. Combine the two and we now have a fun membership that will allow us to swim and exercise over the next year.  

WE all liked the indoor poor.  I think later the older kiddos will enjoy the track and the workout facilities. We had a great first day.
Heading home in the cool car and wet hair these two found their sweatshirts, once warm the twins were fat asleep.  So much fun exercise can wear you out.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Birthday Bagel

Happy Birthday Bagel.  She wanted to down play things as so many family members are missing.  Pooker and JavaJava are working in Houston, Goobers is home working as well, Bear is off at a month long retreat, Sugar has left to go to North Dakota to babysit and dad is at a trade show.  WE wanted things to still feel like a celebration so we called Mimi and Miss Brenda to join us for lunch.  

We all had fun and enjoyed our lunch.  No singing and no real pictures per her request, but happy 15th b-day my precious Bagel!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

How to Change Nails

I am loving being a Color Street stylist.  Selling nail polish in all these fun designs is exciting.  One issue I am having is getting one set off to put on a new one.  I was thrilled to discover these clips.  It allows you to put the remover on cotton and keep it on your fingers for a few minutes.  This way is so effective as the the polish comes right off.

I am so confident in this method that I am willing to put a layered glitter design on for the 4th.  I love this new design.

Princess likes doing her toes.

Our nails have never looked so good!