Friday, August 17, 2012

Switching Outfits

All of these pictures were taken within two days of each other.  The girls outfits were cleaned and then put on the opposite baby two days later.  Talk about confusing.  We took lots of pictures just cause they are cute and the babies are so alert.  

On 8-15 Twin Adorable is in the White top and Twin Beautiful is in the Pink Top.

I just love these faces.  So much alike and yet so different.

The pictures below were taken on 8-17.  Twin Adorable is in the hot pink and Twin Beautiful is in White.


Twin Adorable

On the move

Twin Beautiful

Beautiful - Adorable
My little ones are so much fun!

 So much my has been happening. I needed comfort. I decided to make one of my favorite meals from my youth.  My mom was not the most flavorf...