Thursday, May 9, 2019

STAOP Group Meet Before the Wedding

This always come up during a wedding that not everyone has prepared for. We had a huge rehearsal to be at but also a good number of visitors from back in Texas were visiting us to attend the wedding. I am so thankful for our friend Julie W.  She picked a restaurant and invited all the out of town people to join her for dinner.  WE had packed welcome to St. Louis bags for our out of town guests and Julie made sure each one got their bag of St. Louis goodies. 

Even two of JavaJava's family friends attended the dinner. I hear they had a blast and enjoyed everyone's company.
The T family arrive. Kat is so beautiful. I look at this picture and miss her mom. Love you Linda, pray for us!

Mr. and Mrs. W. with Mrs. G.
The K's.
I love this group of people and I am so happy that they all arrived safely and had a fun evening.

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