Thursday, May 9, 2019


We can not even believe the time is here. To be honest at this point J and I had only met one of JavaJava's brothers, so we were a little nervous and excited to met his family.  After a few quick introductions we were ready to rehearse.
This is wear the practice was needed. J joked that they should be served coffee half way down because the isle at the St. Louis Basilica is a long one.
Really I do love this building. All pictures are beautiful because of the mosaics all around.

Mimi was a little nervous sitting in the front row but it was her job.

All those alter servers are adorable. These are all cousins from J's side of the family. There is one more from my side. So cute.They did a great job as well.

I loved looking all around and seeing all my family around. Beautiful moments for sure.

Pooker and JavaJava have done a great job bringing us all together for today and the actual sacrament the next morning. We are all feeling so very very blessed.

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