Saturday, September 29, 2018

Denver Adventures - Bear Needs Boots

I have heard several comments from by Texas kids that we keep visiting Denver but not Texas. J and I decided to send them a treat. We got them some Denver chain coffee. 

While J would spend all day Saturday at a trade show I was off to the seminary to pick up Bear and do some exploring or shopping. .  .
St. Michael The Archangel, Pray for us!
 (It is the feast of St. Michael today!  . . . and we are back at my favorite statue of the Saint.

We would pass the same small church on the way to and from the convention center where J had to work. I wanted to hit confession and thankfully this Saturday evening it worked out. Mary Mother of God was a beautiful but small church.
(Picture from the parish website)

Visiting our Lord in various places is always a good thing.

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