Friday, September 28, 2018

Bear's Birthday

Happy 23 rd birthday to Bear. This young man has always lived life to fullest. He never wastes time playing politics, he just gets things done. He has grown from an adventurous child into a strong confidant man. I have been beyond blessed with each of my children including this bright loving soul. I pray that this day, like each day, will bring him closer to our Lord. Love you, Bear!

To be honest I have been worried about this young man. We miss him but have each other, how is he doing. I discovered why he doesn't miss us that much. He is surround by a group of great people. He is one of 6 seminarians representing the Oklahoma City Archdiocese. These guys are true brothers Christ. They all joined us on Friday night to celebrate Bears' Birthday with him. My heart swelled as I listened to this group act like real siblings. They encouraged, and teased, laughed, taught, supported and enjoyed each other's company. Bear had found a beautiful place. Happy Birthday Bear!

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