Monday, September 21, 2015

Catholic Coffee Club New Year

We started up again.  This is our high school homeschool religion class.  I have been running it now for eleven years.  I am glad that my friend Julie decided to help me out this year.  It is nice having another adult there to guide the questions.  This year we are studying Church History.  Again we are using the Didache Series produced by MidWest Theological Forum.  These books are fantastic.  I learn something new every time I read them.  So here is to another great Catholic Coffee Club year.  This year I have Possible as a junior, Pickle as a freshman and I am letting princess join in as a very smart 8th grader.  I pray that all of these kids and all the ones that have ever been a part of CCC are goring closer to Christ in all that they do.  

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