Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bear's Mission Trip to Haiti #2

Bear left us again for week.  He loves this time with our Lord.  I know he worked hard and prayed constantly.

This year we got to help the mission trip by being the ones that purchased some supplies for the church.  Bear carried an extra bag filled with hosts, candles, burners and incense.

The missionaries were very happy even though they had a very early start (3am).
shared from a STAOP Facebook Page
Bear said,
"I would like to start out by saying thanks to everyone who made this trip possible, I couldn't have done it without the prayers, and support." 
Shared from Martha Or on Facebook

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook
Shared from Lauren Royle on Facebook
Bear added this quote to this picture on Facebook,
"Going to Haiti really opened my eyes, it can be difficult to see Christ in everyone but he is there. Every single person is worth the life God has given them. Every single person is worth dying for. Every single person deserves our love, and respect.  ‪#‎gowithGod‬"
Shared from Martha Or on Facebook

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook
shared from a STAOP Facebook Page

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook
Bear's Words about above Picture:
"I don't really have any adequate words for this. God has created something so beautiful, I'm so glad he has given me the chance to witness it. #GowithGod#sunset"

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook

Shared from Emily Reeg on Facebook

shared from a STAOP Facebook Page

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook

One of this years missionaries is a true artist.  Miss Martha Or showed her love for Our Lady using what was provided.  It might not last forever but it is a true sign of beauty. 
Shared from Martha Or on Facebook

Shared from Martha Or on Facebook
Bear said this,
"I keep trying to think of my favorite part of the trip, every time nothing comes close to hanging with Jesus on the beach. It doesn't matter what language you speak, we are worshipping our Lord, and that's all the matters. ‪#‎GowithGod‬ ‪#‎hatit‬‪#‎catholic‬"
shared from a STAOP Facebook Page
Sent from Bear's Phone at Haiti airport
I know that Bear had a wonderful time. It wasn't an easy time but he grew as a person,  He grew in his faith.  Bear said that unlike last year they did witness the evils of Haitian vodou, and the sad thing is that the local priests treated it as common place (sadly for them it is common place).  He grew again in his love of the people there.  He again worked hard at helping to build up the base.
   ** thanks to all that charged pictures on Facebook.
******I know the girls took in posters as we picked up members from the trip form the airport.  When pictures surface I will edit them in. *******

Thank you to all that continue to pray for these missionaries including our precious Bear.  Please also continue to pray for the LifeTeen Mission Base in Haiti and all those who give of themselves through this work.  Pray for all the souls of this beautiful country of Haiti and the beautiful people that have simple lives filled with joy!  Click here to give to LifeTeen Mission Base in Haiti, they are the hands and feet of Christ in this area of Haiti.

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