Thursday, August 11, 2011

Much needed . . .Chocolate?

I posted about the 2011 THSC SouthWest Convention in my other blog.   Rejuvenate  sums up my feeling and all that I gained from going to this conference.  I really did need it.  Time with friends, time with like minded people, and time with others with newer ideas to respark my love of what I do.  So wonderful.
One of my favorite parts was something that I did not buy into ahead of time.  I didn't plan on staying for "Encouragement by Chocolate" talk given by Sally Clarkson on Friday July 29th.  She is an incredible Christian woman, author and speaker.  She and her husband run a ministry called Whole Heart.  I have nothing against Miss Clarkson but did not know her that well.  I admit I wasn't all gaga about hearing her speak.  When I found out my friends were going I stuck around to grab a drink with them after the talk.  I was encouraged to sneak into the back and just listen.
God knew I needed to be right there at that moment to start my healing.  I have been so down about the change that is here and coming.  I love my family and I am not happy that we will never be under one roof again.  My baby is an adult who will soon be creating her own family.  She will move out and create her own home.  I know that the day has to come and I know that Pooker is very ready and I am too.  It still is a big permanent change.  I have been focused on all the things I did wrong as a mom and a homeschooling instructor.  Of course these are wrongs identified by the children, and said to be hurtful.  So even if the topic was originally missing curfew the argument would come back to poor parenting in another fashion.  I wasn't smart enough to not have an argument.  (Stupid I know . . .)
Mrs Clarkson:  "enjoy who you are"
"God created you for your children, so be yourself."
'Our traditions make us who we are."
"If it is His will for you, don't you think you are His will for them, as well?"
"Present the goal of a Godly family ahead of time with a vision of who they are in light of who God is calling them to be."

Thanks so much, I needed to hear Him speak to me through Mrs. Clarkson, and the chocolate candy didn't hurt either. 

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