Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Neen's Family Time (Vacation post 7)

My mom, Mimi and her sister, my MamiBit have always been close. My aunt is about 10 years older than my mom. They have a brother between them, Uncle Marc. I love his family but we are not as close as we are with MamiBit's. My aunt's youngest and I (Mimi's oldest) are just five years apart. We spent so much time together when we were younger that we didn't know we were just cousins. I grew up close to them, all of them. I miss my aunt, my cousins and their children as much as I miss my mom, sister and brother. The plan was we would leave early the next morning. This was my last night in St. Louis. My cousins all made it over with KeeKee and JoeJoe. So many of my loved ones in one place. I had a wonderful time. I am so thankful to all of these loved ones.

I really am very blessed to have such a great family. Fr. Tom was also with us to visiting. He brought Katie and Brendan so the March For Life crowd was reunited. This crazy little crowd played spoons for hours.

The party ended and it was time to head home.

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