Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mom and Dad Adventure (Vacation post 6)

It might not look like it by these pictures but this was a working trip for J. He never stopped with emails, reports, phone calls and meetings. The location of this trade show happen to be Orlando Florida. He asked me to join him because he would have several evenings free and I had never been to Disney World. I couldn't help but feel guilty the entire time, I went with out the kids.

J and I went two times. Once to Magic Kingdom and once to Disney's Hollywood Studios. Let me just say that the commercials lie. No princess greats you and you never happen upon a Disney character. If you hope to spend any time with them you must wait in line.

Look at that crowd. Yep it was the heart of the off season and yet it was extremely crowded. Everyone said that, even the locals were surprised at how crowded this week actually was. No one spoke English. I eventually broke down and asked a family. I was reminded that south of the equator is is their summer. Everyone is on vacation from school. Those with the funds plan trips to the parks in the USA knowing that our families are in school and hard at work.

My favorite part was this little visited exhibit. No ride but the table used in Movie for the filming of Prince Caspian. I was so excited to get a quick picture, not sure if I was supposed to or not. AHHHHH Aslan's table! So cool!

It was cold also. We were there at night and after the son went down we waited in long lines and were chilled.

Our favorite rides were the Rockin Roller Coaster and the Hollywood Tower of Terror. Unique and fun. Not sure if they were worth the cost of the tickets and wait in line, but fun.

We were more impressed by the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe. This is a a wonderful little place to offer vacationers a place to worship. It isn't a true parish so no weddings, baptisms or funerals are allowed here. Confessions and Mass happen quit a bit. You are reminded of the Rosary and encouraged to pray as you stroll through the Rosary garden. The bookshop is full of Catholic books and treats. The church was beautiful.

Getting back to the kids proved to be a tad more difficult. We woke at 4:30 in the morning to get to the airport. As we started toward the car we got the message that our flights had been canceled. We then grabbed a bite to eat and then headed to airport sort out how we were getting home. In the end it worked out just fine but we waited for several hours. No worries, J had lots of work to do. We got back to St. Louis later than evening. So Disney World was OK but the time with J was wonderful!

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