Thursday, April 16, 2020


I used to be very active in the blog world, I ran five blogs at one time. The homeschooling one and the family photo album being my favorites. I have maintained this blog as a way to staying on top of my pictures and keeping our "electronic photo album" up to date. I got very behind after Pooker's  wedding and Bagel's confirmation last May. I lost interest and I got distracted. I forgot how much I love writing about my family!  I also forgot how much I love reading about other like minded people and their families.

I love reading about other homeschoolers and other large families and how others express their faith on a day to day basis. I am writing this to make a public announcement that "I am Back". Thank you Covid-19 for this gift of reminding me to write and to read what others have posted. I am still trying to post chronologically but I will be caught up very soon.  I want to thank all those that inspire me with their blogs!

Please comment here if you are still reading this blog, if you have your own blog - remind me to read it, and please do what inspires you. It makes you a better person!


  1. Hello! I thought that was you commenting on my blog, hi! I can't believe your twins are 8 years old? You have such a lovely family, they just grow up so fast. My mom had red hair, and a few of my girls are graced with it, it's so beautiful. I'm looking forward to reading again!

  2. Nice to see you posting again. Always enjoyed reading about your family.


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