Monday, February 24, 2020

Mom's Birthday

The kids always make sure I have a great birthday! I didn't want to go out or take any pictures, I am very glad that I was feeling so much better. At least I could eat the cake.

Pooker and JavaJava sent this book so that I can share with their kiddos. I will enjoy taking moments here and there,  to make a record for my grand baby.
One of my gifts was a bouquet of flowers. There are exactly 13 flowers in that bunch. My Possible always gives me this for my birthday. She gives me 11 pink ones to represent each of my children on earth and 2 white ones to represent the two babies that we lost and that are in heaven.
More gifts included coke candy and a bear! They know what will make me happy. Great kiddos.
One of my gifts was the white snow. I love it and so do my huskies.
Happy birthday to me!

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