Saturday, January 4, 2020

OKL Visit

Mom and Dad were given an invitation to join Bear at a form Seminarian Christmas Dinner. The dinner and Mass were held at Bear's parish that he is working at for a pastoral year. 

He loves the parish, he gets along really well with the pastor and J and I have friends in the same parish. The dinner was nice and we talked with Archbishop Coakley.  

The morning after the dinner, my friend from that parish hosted a Color Street Party. I had fun, I hope they did as well.
We then met up with Bear and had some food, did some sight seeing, went to Confession and then saw more sights.

The memorial for the OKC bombing is such a moving place to visit. The memorial is incredibly well done.

Then off to another beautiful church.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help is one of my absolute favorite images of Our Lady. The door was that imagine and to enter you had to grab Our Lady's hand. It felt wonderful to hold her hand. 

We saw so many wonderful sights, and prayed in many wonderful places. The evening ended with a delicious fancy dinner with Fr. and Bear.

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