Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month

Open Hearts ~ The ColorStreet foundation strip with proceeds supporting The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Some stats from the year 2017: 1,400,000 attempts with 47,173 deaths. Suicide is highest amount middle age white men. Average of 129 suicides per day. All of this makes suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Please join me in praying for all individuals, their families and friends affected!

I love Color Street. They give to best of organizations. I am proud to help support this by selling the strip called Open Hearts. This is $13 purchase only.
Click here to link to the site to purchase your own set of Open Hearts Nail strips.  The color is more beautiful in person than on screen. I can't wait to wear mine.

1 comment:

  1. I have not stopped in to your blog in a while, and your kids have grown up so much! I remember when the twins, little baby A and baby B were born! You are indeed blessed, they are all so beautiful. (My mom had red hair, a few of my kids have inherited it, you remind me of her:))


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