Sunday, September 15, 2019

Official Public Announcement

These two made a huge announcement today.  They are so cute in how shared the news.  


"Just having our Sunday coffee together.

Y’all, we are overjoyed to share that God has blessed us with our first child. We didn’t want to wait until we had ultrasound pictures because we’re just so excited and no matter what we’re so blessed to be able to partake in the creation of life. We are almost through week 7 and are looking forward to our ultrasound appointment on Friday. 

Pray for our growing family and all who are trying to conceive and grow their families. 

💙"This R Family brew is due late April 2020!"

I love how Pooker words things. She is insightful and good with her words.  
"Missing my crazy, loud, messy family a lot this past week.  💔 If you didn’t know I’m the oldest of 11 and the joys of big sisterhood have continued on and reached an entirely new level with getting to share the news of their new aunt/unclehood to this gang. 

It was truly God’s timing with this little one as we were all in town together at mom and dad’s when Austin and I found out. We wanted to share in person because we knew it would mean so much more. (We apologize to extended family for not getting more visits in that trip. I was pretty exhausted.) 

We told the twins (my youngest sisters) first because we wanted their drawing skills (like we had for the engagement announcement) and they were happy to oblige.  💙We called Austin’s parents that night and his mom knew before I could even tell her.  

My wonderful husband is number 7 out of a family of 12. We got home to houston and spent the following day on the phone with each of his siblings and shared the news. They’ve all been aunts and uncles for a while now, but they took the news so joyfully. This baby is so freaking loved.  "💙"
~FaceBook 9/22

We can't even begin to tell you how excited we are!  This baby is so loved!

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