Monday, August 19, 2019

Big News - SHHHH

This was our last evening with everyone in town.  Pooker and JavaJava would be leaving, Bear and Goobers would soon follow. Even Chris was leaving soon. My heart was so full with having the entire family together as this happens, rarely.  After another good dinner we were sitting down to watch a little tv, one of the twins handed me this note.  I didn't understand what it meant at first.  Under the heart is a very special bundle.  At first I thought it was a Holy Family picture but then I noticed that I was being watched and filmed.  I was then told that the girl was Pooker.  As I figured it out, my heart leaped!   Could it be true?  

As you can see every sibling shared the joy.  JavaJava made some calls as we tried to not scream our excitement too much and allow his family to hear the good news. I am overjoyed at how much a one week old unborn child could be this loved, and he/she is very very very loved!

For now this was not public information but it would not keep us from celebrating.  (I am sharing here because I am really posting it months later.  Everyone knows now.)

Welcome to the family little R baby.  We love you more than you can ever imagine. Thank you Pooker and JavaJava for sharing your big news with us.  We feel so blessed to have been around you when you discovered this wonderful news. We feel honored that you shared your joy with us and let us share in that joy as well.

God, we thank you for this precious gift. We ask for health for this child, and that he/she will know You! We ask for mom and dad to continue to grow in love for each other as they celebrate the growing child. Please keep our beloved Pooker Baby healthy as she cares for this unborn gift.  Thank you!

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